Problem#33Electrochemistry [Solved]

Question: Electrochemistry is one of important Chapters of Chemistry. What does distinguish it from the other chapters or domains of chemistry?


Electrochemistry is a branch of Chemistry that deals with chemical reactions that, either produce electricity or need external electrical energy for them to take place.

In other words, Electrochemistry is the study of (i) the production of electricity from energy released during the spontaneous Redox reactions on one side, and (ii) the use of electrical energy to bring about non-spontaneous Redox reactions on the other side. Remember that Redox reactions differ from other chemical reactions in that they involve transfer of electron(s) from one reactant to another (see Problem 23).

Zn  +  Cu2+  →  Zn2+  + Cu      (1)

Zn  → Zn2+ + 2e  Oxidation half-reaction  (a) loss of electron(s) and increasing of                                                                    the oxidation state

Cu2+  + 2e  →  Cu Reduction half-reaction (b) gain of electron(s) and decreasing of                                                                    the oxidation state

(1) = (a) +  (b) = Zn  +  Cu2+  →  Zn2+  + Cu          Redox reaction

Electrochemistry is of importance both for theoretical and practical consideration. It has many applications in our modern life. For example, a large number of metals and other chemicals are produced by electrochemical methods. Batteries and fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy and are used in many domestic and industrial instruments and devices.

The electrochemical reactions can be energy efficient and less pollutant.